# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from .fields import phasor, expand
from .dynspec import DynamicSpectrum
__all__ = ['ConjugateSpectrum']
def power(z):
return z.real**2 + z.imag**2
class ConjugateSpectrum:
"""Conjugate spectrum and methods to fit it.
The code is meant to be agnostic to which axes are which, but some may
assume a shape of ``(..., doppler_axis, delay_axis)``.
conjspec : `~numpy.ndarray`
Fourier transform of a dynamic spectrum.
fd : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Doppler factors of the conjugate spectrum. Normally time conjugate
but can be arbitrary (e.g., conjugate of ``f*t``). Should have the
the proper shape to broadcast with ``conjspec``.
tau : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Delays of the conjugate spectrum. Should have the proper shape to
broadcast with ``dynspec``.
noise : float
The uncertainty in the real and imaginary components of the conjugate
def __init__(self, conjspec, tau, fd, noise=None):
self.conjspec = conjspec
self.tau = tau
self.fd = fd
self.noise = noise
def secspec(self):
"""Secondary spectrum, i.e., the power of the conjugate spectrum."""
return power(self.conjspec)
def from_dynamic_spectrum(cls, dynspec, normalization='mean', **kwargs):
"""Create a conjugate spectrum from a dynamic one.
Easiest if the input is a `~screens.dynspec.DynamicSpectrum`
By passing in an explicit time axis using ``t``, one can get a
different delay factor conjugate. Particularly useful with
``t=f*t``, which takes into account the frequency dependence of
the time variation of scintles.
Note that the dynamic spectrum is assumed to have shape
``(..., time_axis, frequency_axis)``.
dynspec : array_like or `~screens.dynspec.DynamicSpectrum`
Input dynamic spectrum for which the fourier transform will
be calculated. If it has attributes ``f``, ``t``, ``d_eff``,
``theta``, ``magnification``, and ``noise``, those will be
used as default inputs. TODO: ``noise`` is likely wrong!
normalization : 'mean' or None
Normalize dynamic spectrum by its mean and subtract 1 before
transforming and ensure the resulting conjugate spectrum is
normalized as well, with the 0, 0 element equal unity.
Other arguments to initialize the conjugate spectrum.
for key in ('f', 't', 'noise'):
val = getattr(dynspec, key, None)
if val is not None:
kwargs.setdefault(key, val)
if isinstance(dynspec, DynamicSpectrum):
# TODO: give DynamicSpectrum an __array__ method.
dynspec = dynspec.dynspec
if normalization == 'mean':
dynspec = dynspec / dynspec.mean() - 1. # Not in place!!
f = kwargs.pop('f')
t = kwargs.pop('t')
fd = kwargs.pop('fd', None)
if t.size in t.shape and fd is None: # fast FFT possible.
conj = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(dynspec))
fd = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(t.size, t[1]-t[0])
# Time axis has slow FT or explicit fd given.
# Time is assumed to be along axis -2.
# TODO: relax this assumption.
if fd is None:
t_step = np.abs(np.diff(t, axis=-2)).min()
n_t = round((np.ptp(t)/t_step).to_value(1).item()) + 1
fd = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(n_t, t_step).to(u.mHz))
fd = expand(fd, n=dynspec.ndim)
linear_axis = "transform"
if fd.ndim == 1:
fd = expand(fd, n=dynspec.ndim)
linear_axis = None
# Check for linear spacing to speed up the calculation. Here,
# the first check is whether fd is a linearly spaced array
# along a single axis, and the second whether the last axis of
# time (generally along frequency) is linearly spaced.
if (fd.size in fd.shape and np.allclose(
dfd := np.diff(
fd, axis=(axis := fd.shape.index(fd.size))),
dfd.take(0, axis=axis))):
linear_axis = "transform"
elif (t.shape[-1] > 1
and np.allclose(dt := np.diff(t, axis=-1),
dt[..., :1])):
linear_axis = -1
factor = (phasor(t, fd, linear_axis=linear_axis).conj()
* dynspec)
step1 = factor.sum(-2, keepdims=True).swapaxes(0, -2).squeeze(0)
conj = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(step1, axis=-1), axes=-1)
fd.shape = conj.shape[-2], 1
if normalization == 'mean':
conj /= dynspec.size
conj[conj.shape[-2] // 2, conj.shape[-1] // 2] = 1.
tau = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(f.size, f[1]-f[0]))
tau.shape = f.shape
self = cls(conj, tau, fd, **kwargs)
self.f = f
self.t = t
self.normalization = normalization
return self